The first idea that came to mind when creating a poster for my trailer was to have a similar image of the main character, Jessica - played by Melina John, mirrored vertically. The images would be very similar in terms of position, the mirrored pictures would be placed symmetrically, however the difference, initially, was to have one of the images of the character looking "perfect" with her make-up done without fault, her hair to be straight and un-messed, and to be smiling etc. like the rough sketch below. What I want is to have these images faded into the background of my poster, and have the other characters and another image of Jessica, in focus, in the foreground
This image as shown in the overall sketch above, would be the reflection. This fits with the idea that I wanted the main female character to suffer from Bi-polar schizophrenia, similar to how I represented my Pitch idea, having the three images opening out to show the three different personalities that she has. This would resemble her journey to becoming obsessed.
My idea consisted of having the pictre to the right placed at the top of my poster, the right way up and nont flipped horizontally like the sketch above. Both of these pictures would have to be edited in opacity, to make them fade into the background of the poster to fulfill the overall intention that I want to pursue.
This sketch resembles the title placement idea that I grew fond to. Over the eyes of the images I sketced above, I thought that it could be interesting to place the title over the eyes. At the begining I had the idea of calling my movie "Nobody's Perfect", with this in mind, the reflection technique above would have "Nobody's" over the eyes of the sketch that shows Jessica's character messy, and "Perfect" over the eyes of the reflection of Jessica's character that is shown to be looking perfect. This would mean that one of the titles were upside down, but taking into consideration the size of the font I would use, I do not think that this would cause an issue.
Similar to my influencial posters, Anuvahood; Kidulthood and Adulthood, and how they show all of the characters from their films, I drew another idea for a poster which consisted of all of the characters, individually shown, portraying different aspects of the film. Above is a rough sketch, the male characters on one side, and the females on the right. I purposely placed the two other "main character" other than Jessica at the front of the cluster of extra characters.
I was influenced by Anuvahood's idea of having two characters in the forground, however I wanted to portray my intitial idea of a love triangle by having Dominic and Robyn in the forground and Jessica in the middle, even though this sketch doesn't show her character this shows the placement of which I wanted to have the two characters if they were going to be on the poster, however i decided against it.
When advised by my tutor I was told that it may be a better idea, in keeping with the eye effect that I explained previously, to make the half and half reflection vertically mirrored.
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