In what ways does your media products use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
The following is a youtube link to the video.
Below is the Script produced and used in the video.
During the post-production period of my media project, through research and planning I noticed that a common media convention presented and used in movie trailers is a title card placed at the begining of the trailer. This green title card makes the audience aware of the feature's certificate and states the type of audience the feature is suitable for. For these reasons I decided to use this convention of real media by including this specific aspect of movie trailers in my "Imperfect" teaser trailer.
This form of presenting titles etc is also popularly used at the end of trailers containing the names of producers, editors, directors and all involved with the making of the film, I wanted to include this at the end of my trailer to give my project a professional feel to it, and to also mention the names of people who helped, to show my appreciation to them but to also allow the audience to who was involved (which is a main reason of why the media industry also include them) for example the unsigned music artist Scotty Stacks, part of The Manor who's track I used throughout.
Another common convention of real media that offen differentiates between films, genres and trailers is the release date and the style in which it is presented. films can personalise the way in which their trailer expresses the films release date, however there are several forms used such as simply 'coming', 'coming soon', genre's such as teen and romantic comedies offen state the season of year the release date for the film is in; 'in cinemas this autum' or 'summer 2012'. I wanted to develop these simplistic approaches, and in some ways challenge the convention by personalising the statement to help aid the portrayal of my genre.
When taking into account titles for my trailer I was initially influenced by the use of titles in one of my influencial trailers "Anuvahood" starring Adam Deacon. The titles in this movie trailer are based purely on the main character and his life, similar to the film itself, the titles also underlines the main aspects of the film, not giving a clear storyline or narration, however enlightens the audience of what to expect from the characters through simple statements and questions. That idea was soon overpowered by the visual intensity used by the producers of the teaser trailer for the 2011 version of "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" starring Daniel Craig. This movie trailer included very little titles having to explain or indicate what the film is about, it simply manipulated multiple clips out of sequence of the film. This also interested me as it doesn't give away the plot to its audiences, intreaging them further.
Having then used titles at the very end of the trailer "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" states the film is from the international best-selling trilogy. Even though the minimal use of titles in this trailer was very effective and influenced me to do the same, I regret doing this as I feel my trailer didn't have the same powerful effect, several apsects could have effected this. The use of famous and well known actors. The fact that The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo is a INTERNATIONAL BEST-SELLING NOVEL. I would also need a larger budget to do so.
"the girl with the dragon tattoo" also influenced me in an auditory sense. I developed their use of distorted sounding towards the end of their trailer as the titles are flashing and the imagery is repeatedly shown and enlarging, the music becomes distorted and alternates between being high and low in volume. I developed this idea and used it in my piece, I found myself using the program iMovie and edited the audio to repeat and differ in sound, pitch, tone and length as I also made it sound echoed. I felt that this was effective as I then edited this section of soundtrack over my movie title "The Imperfect" to which I then edited the visual material to also have a slow motion feel.
For my poster main aspects were taken into account through the period of time when I was researching my influencial film trailers and constructing initial ideas. A convention all posters have are credits placed somewhere on the design, commonly placed along the bottom, and always in a very small font in comparison to the title of the film. These credits include a copywrited webpage as well as the names of the production team etc.
For the final idea of my poster I was influenced by another of my influencial movies "Donkey Punch", who's storyline is similar to mine in the fact that It comes across as a drinking and drug used teen film, but then indicated the film contains elements of horror. One of their posters is simply of a motor from a speedboat which is used as a feature of horror in the film, so I thought to make more aware of the idea that my film contained horror I would include the mask from my trailer into my poster.
When constructing my film magazine cover I researched into several different magazine companies including The Empire, Studio and Little White lies. The company who's designs inspired me most was Little White Lies as they take a very individualistic approach to presenting the films released. Their artistic and cartoon style covers appealed to me the most as I feel stronger creating such a thing like posters and magazine images through a more personal technique hand drawing them. Little White Lies signature theme for their magazine covers is purely presenting the main character or charcacters of a film and include elements of the films genre to help inspire their overall outcome. Looking at their issue of "Kickass" gave me the idea to cartoonise the main character in my film and include slight detail to which the film includes, for example my character is holding the scissors seen in the trailer, and also has blood dripping down her face, which is also seen in another magazine issue that The Little White Lies company distributed. The "Attack The Block" issue has an inspiring pattern throughout the cover of spirals and a cloud looking design which I used in my magazine cover to attrack the audience and to also represent the theme of drug abuse I have in my film.