Wednesday, 12 October 2011


The following video was made on iMovie, this helped me present my pitch in a more interesting way and also challenged and developed my skills using the software. The soundtrack was added to give a suggestion of the kind of soundtrack I am interested in using for my final trailer. It has been cut down to fit the length of my pitch, however the shots are not cut to the beat of the music, it is purely to give an introductory effect to my ideas.

The Original 25.Word.Pitch for my Untitled Trailer. (cuts were made)
A love triangle. 2 girls. 1 boy. 18. Weed. Acid. Ketamine. Trips, highs and lows. Disappearances and suspicious deaths. Loving isn't cheating especially when she's a Bi-polar Schizophrenic.

Image 1
Image one contains 3 drawings of a woman figure representing my main female character, who suffers from Bi-polar Schizophrenia, by starting with the original picture surrounded by happiness and smiles, of a "normal" girl, opening out side ways to reveal the bi-polar side to her as if she was mirrored, I feel, emphasises the disorder in a creative way, as well as the black and white colours used to fill the girl, this will also be represented in my trailer through the skills of the actress. When thinking about presenting the schizophrenic side of of her personality, I thought to have it below her as if a shadow, hallucination or a delusion of which schizophrenics suffer, hence the shaded figure.

Image 2
In image 2 I wanted to experiment with creative effects to see if the programme I used had any effects suitable to possibly use in my trailer as well as getting to know the programme. The image shows a zooming motion which portrays and relates to the drug abuse that will be in my film, it also coincides with the music clip that i used.

Image 3
Image 3 shows my exploration of title effects, I did this to also portray the darkness and disturbing element of my story, by breaking and distorting the text and to have it fading in and out of focus etc escalates the trips that will be experienced by my characters and shown in my trailer. Overall using this pitch movie as a 'tester' for the effects used in my final trailer piece, I got used to the programme and have an idea of what is available to use to create a trailer.

Friday, 7 October 2011


Why is it important to consider the Target Audience?
When making a film, consideration of the target audience is essential. To know the main aimed target population for your film assists many elements of the production and distribution stages in the film industry. The knowledge of who will most commonly be seeing your product can help specify what content to include or how to advertise for example.
What is the Target Audience for the Horror/Thriller genre?

Research into Horror/Thriller audiences concludes that the most common audience member for most contemporary horror films is aged between 18 and the mid 20’s, stating that 48% of people who watch horror movies are between this age range.

Scientists have conducted a formula to prove why thrillers such as Psycho and the Blair Witch Project are so successful at scaring their audiences. Elements that audiences are fond of and look for in a horror movie, like elements of suspense, gore and being shocked to the extent of ‘jumping’, are used to measure how scary a film is.



(es+u+cs+t) +s+ (tl+f)/2 + (a+dr+fs)/n + sin x - 1.

es = escalating music
u = the unknown
cs = chase scenes
t = sense of being trapped
s = shock
tl = true life
f = fantasy
a = character is alone
dr = in the dark
fs = film setting
n = number of people
sin = blood and guts
1 = stereotypes

The following quote answers the question, 'what makes a horror film scary?'

“Horror films take our deepest fears, those ideas and thoughts that are just so scary that we can’t contemplate them becoming real, and ask the question ‘what if?’. The fear of the unknown has to be the strongest human emotion and a good horror film can make us feel like we are experiencing our worst nightmare.”

What elements of a Romantic Comedy appeal to what kind of audience and why?
A romantic comedy is a story containing romance which is portrayed in an amusing and humorous way. Rom-Com’s, also commonly referred to as “chick-flicks” generally attract women ages between mid-late teens plus; emphasis on the CHICK flick. They attract women due to the romantic pursuit gained from the, frequently, good looking main characters and the happy ending brought among them at the end of the film.

 Provide a few examples of the target audiences of the films that influenced you.

Ed (Nick Frost), Shaun (Simon Pegg) and Liz (Kate Ashfield) from Shaun of the Dead.

‘Shaun of the Dead’ is rated 15, this advises that the content of the film is only suitable for those aged 15 and over, due to strong language, scenes of a violent nature and perhaps the inclusion of sexual references. People below this age may enjoy the film however is not part of the targeted audience. ‘Shaun of the Dead’, including award winning actor, comedian and film producer Simon Pegg, may appeal to those who have seen and enjoyed his previous work, for example, ‘Hot Fuzz’ and ‘Run, Fatboy, Run’.
